Saturday, November 7, 2009

Samuel Balaraman Invites Gays For Jesus

From: samuel balaraman []
Sent: Wednesday, November 04, 2009 7:49 PM
Subject: want fellowship

praise the lord, dear pastor, my name is samuel from india. i doing the indipent church ministries past 12 year in india.i have 18 branches churches establish of diffrent of places in india. by god grace praise god want to your fellowship.

gays4jesus: Praise God for your ministry. For my fellowship that is easy, just add my to your yahoo chat messenger using my screen name “gays4jesus”. I would be happy to chat about any topic you like and about your walk with Jesus.

i seen your ministries website i like the your fellowship.i will jion to your organestion. presently 10 missionaries doing the irgm ministreis various of villages in had for our missionary ministries in to your organestion.

gays4jesus: A bit hard to read the above sentence, but I will try to answer it. Thanks for viewing my website Joining my organization is simply by participating in writing comments and other interactions on the site. You can give your testimony, meaning your personal walk with Jesus and details how you came to know Jesus. If God gave you a vision or revelation, email it to me so I can review it and perhaps enter it for others to see, or simply find a similar topic in my blog and make a comment and put that vision or revelation in. Advertising for support financially or materially for your ministry is not allowed, as my site is not a directory or a platform to ask my visitors for of other ministries. All are welcome to support my ministry if by $$ click clip_image002even $1.00 helps. If by some sort of talent, always happy to receive songs, but over all I don’t need a lot currently. Prayers are always welcomed. Mostly your heart felt call of God and the message he has given you is what I want to share with the world. I am happy to list ministry websites as links so id your 18 branches or your 10 missionaries have websites send them and I will list their links.

pl welcome to india visit to our ministries area. i will arranges a gospel meetings next pray and reply me.

gays4jesus: If you are inviting me to go to India I am also happy to do so, but I do have a very strict travel policy at this time. All trip expenses must be paid by those inviting me. Airplane, lodging, food, in country travel, and any other costs that may accrue. Also, itinerary must be clear so I have some idea what going on when I get there.

clip_image003 pl visit to our ministries web site; our vision is 1000 churches plant for our nation thankyou in Christ

gays4jesus: I did visit,, and Having 1000 churches as a goal is quite a commitment to God and I praise God and thank him for people like you.
1,1000 churches plant for our nation only.
2,1000 missionaries send to throughout india.
3,will be start orphanage
4,will be start out reach clinic(for free treatment)
5,will be start bible collage
6,will be start pastors fellowship(for every month)
7,poor helps(handicapped,widows,leprosy)
8,every month free eye camp.

gays4jesus: Quite a VISION. Keep in mind a few things, Jesus is about to return and billions will be killed first. Not to sound depressing, but to be uplifting. It is now time to prepare and make part of all teaching and preaching a note that ordinary Chritain living may at any moment change forever and it will not be an improvement in life’s conditions since it is anti-christ’s kingdom being set up and that won’t end until Jesus returns. Giving a message of hope only may result is a great falling away when NO HOPE become daily life. To give sustaining hope we must remind fellow Christians and the flock we shepherd that we are Last Days’ Christians and no other Christian in the last 2000 years have seen what we will go through.

A major deception, at least in the west is counterfeit Bibles. All English modern versions are satan counterfeit bibles. The are no sides to wars because it is a common goal to change the world into a one world government and it is not one country fighting another it is already just the preparing. This war we fight now is on religion and its goal is to get control of the religions namely Christians, Jews, and Muslims. Each of these has a special treatment to reduce their numbers.

My point is not to scare people, but to get Christians to understand we are not just going to go to church on Sunday. You want 1000 churches and you may get 5000 and it might happen in just months of time not decades or even years. It won’t really be because of what you do but because others are out there and saving huge numbers and they need a church home and they will go where ever there is a church and churches will fill to compactly. You may have to alter your VISION or adjust it to a way to meet the flood of people that will come to your churches. Again, they won’t come because you are some sort of good church, but there are so many needing to hear the teaching of the word of God.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Pastors, Ministers, Priests, Christian Leaders, Clergy


requesting entrance to your backdoor

Often when Ministers start out, they are very happy to talk to anyone. They are available and often seek people to contact them. As time goes on and they become successful in ministry they begin to forget their roots. Some is understandable because the bigger you get the more people try to talk with you and being one person you have to delegate personal contacts to others. Then you begin to set up protection from anyone contacting you out of your circle. Occasionally you might jump in just to remember I guess how it was when you started with personal outside contacts. However, even a small church or group has well established chain of command set up to keep filtered out anyone trying to reach its leaders (you).

clip_image003Here in Washington State a referendum was on the ballet to repeal a law that gave gays the same rights as married people. This was introduced because Christian leaders, like pastor Hutch to the left, wanted to have the public vote, hoping that would repeal it. Well, it passed 52% to 48%. Now he wants to repeal the public vote and work to repeal the legislated original law, which he wanted a public vote to ban it. Pastor Hutch was a football prayer using any means to make his voice heard. Can anyone talk to him on the issue about gays? Like any minister they are basically good people, but something is making people like Hutch to spend so much time fight gay rights instead of ministering. Though he has associations with the 7-Day Adventists which should make other Christian denominations shutter, they join with him because of the common belief that gay is sin.

Now I am urging Pastors, Ministers, Priests, Christian Leaders, and Clergy to open up your backdoors to gay Christians. I know it would not take me long to touch your heart if you could just take the time to hear me out. What do I mean, “open your backdoor”? I want to be clear. Up to now, you are boss, what I want is you t ask me to talk to you about the gay issues concerning the Bible. You say such and such verse condemns gays. I want you go into detail by explaining how you got that understanding. Don’t get me wrong I am meaning much more than this. I assume you are pastor because you love truth and the BIBLE and that you have spent a great deal of time studying it. It should be a piece of cake for you to take time to go into detail about all the results of the studying and research you put into the gay issue since you are so sure gay is sin.

My background is not official education by some college, but for a period of 15 years I went to about everything all the special speakers had for preaching and workshops in the Assemblies of God church I attended (35 years in the AOGs ½ of it very actively engaged in learning). I had been on TV every week for 25 years preaching on the gay issues concerning the Bible. I have done at least 40 programs in other countries. I have talked personally with over 800,000 homophobes. Over 200 Assemblies of God type pastors personally called me up to the alter to prophesy over me. I received 3 major and dramatic physical healing in my body. I have vision often. Mixed in to my weekly program is about 50% concerning the soon return of Jesus. I know plenty (not boasting but expecting you to respect that and so use your learned knowledge about the Bible to give me answers to why you got gays into any verse). Many pastors want me to go preach in foreign countries in their churches, Not a day goes by that I am invited.

What then is so hard for a pastor that says he loves people and feels a call to be a pastor (I don’t want to be a pastor at all, it is far more than I would be able to handle, it takes a special gift to be a pastor, give me rallies any day but not to stay a shepherd a flock) I praise God for pastors and many people in their gifts to minister in their calling. I got mine and I am deeply committed to it. A pastor should never never never be caught up in phrases “it’s so clear” “it’s so simple” “it’s in the Bible” “God said it” or quote a verse and say go read it. This is not at all show love. But that is what people that say gay is sin say all the time. What they never do is say here is the Hebrew meaning and the history of it usage. Ministers are no different they just won’t explain what they say.

There is another very neat thing about Jesus. He comes into people that accept him. What do you think Jesus does? He has a personal relationship with them. With who? With those that Believe he is the Son of God and prayer a sinner’s prayer of some sort:
God be merciful to me a sinner! I believe Christ died on the Cross for me, that God rose him on the 3rd day, and that His Precious Blood will cleanse me from all my sins. Forgive me of my sins and come into my heart as my Lord and my Savior. Help me Lord to do thy will each day. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen

This means from day one they start testimony with Jesus. This means every gay Christians can tell about their walk with Jesus. This means they have a testimony. Why Pastor do you refuse to have gay people come up to your alter or during testimony time to say what Jesus is doing in their lives?

So, I am pleading with ministers to contact me to talk. I also have a bigger challenge detailed at this link:

I am in live chat often, on yahoo I am gays4jesus, on my website there is a live chat with me button, just click the picture. Other ways to contact me of comment:

Phone: 206-338-4297 (GAYS) also a fax line

Pastors don’t reject forever going one on one with a gay Christian that knows what he is talking about. I have not met anyone that has so much Bible knowledge as to give answers about gays. What comes from the most educated Christian scholars is the same: “it’s so clear” “it’s so simple” “it’s in the Bible” “God said it” or quote a verse and say go read it.

Beyond the gay issue is the Last Days issue. Pastors are just not preparing their flock to what is to come. You are gonna be shock when you discover you are “left behind” (that book is a book of lies). God has a purpose and Christians just have not been very obedient for the last 2000 years and it is not going to be “let’s get off before it gets bad” scenario. Your church will be over flowing with new born again people and you will be caught off guard on what is happening, why are so many coming into my church. It does not matter how false your doctrines are they will flock into your church because all they want is to know God and that will force you to seek answers, but you will be too busy with an over flowing church. Don’t you want to know more on what is about to happen to your church in the coming days?


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Jacinta Francisco Lucia Fatima WHAT DID THEY SEE?


Was this a vision from God of the Bible through Mary that supposed to have died as any human does, but Jesus decided she could become an intermediator?

I just watched a documentary on Fatima and I felt the need to talk about that here a little. No matter what all things just has to be confirmed in the Bible. If you can’t find some sort of confirmation, for whatever, reason it simply has to be treated as though maybe true in full or part but not necessary of God. “OF GOD” is important in dealing with anything prophetic. Predictions come from many sources, which can be placed in two camps “OF GOD” or “of satan”. Some very unlike God sources maybe very much of God and can be found in scriptures’ if studied diligently. Likewise many things said to be of God maybe quite from satan.

Many sources seems to want us all to have a choice about God’s plan à “The 7000 years” as though we can change major components like: if we choose to act this way (which simply never happens ever in real life) will have peace on Earth, but if won’t choose that way (which we always won’t choose) we will have war.

The Bible is a big book and covers this 7000-year plan of God’s. Likewise, if the Bible is God’s plan satan also has 7000 years to do what the Bible says he will do. God says Jesus will return and that it will not be a nice place to live during the time just before he returns. This time before he returns can be as long as 100 years or even as many as 120 years. This is based on Bible’s “this generation won’t pass away” after Israel becomes a nation again (1948) verses. We are not going to choose to do good and so have peace. Being good or bad is a non issue except it is better to be good as we are suppose be better after accepting Jesus right? The Issue is set in concrete and steel satan’s journey to the time he with antichrist has that 1290 day time slot of ruling the world as dictator stating he is god.

It is probably FACT that the above 3 kids did not have access to good Bible knowledge from self study or good teaching. They were brought up as Catholics for sure, but certainly as Protestants, we already think that is a ton of false doctrines. The right course for any vision is since it is not Bible it can’t be considered Bible, but it can be “of God”. Counterfeit is a word that is useless unless it really looks, feels, smell, and taste like truth. So, at risk of going to a medium like Saul did because Saul just could not get a hold of God anymore, we read, listen to many things that are other than God or might be not God. Some might be very much God, but through mechanisms that can confuse many that it appears of satan. Really confusing when you want to play with something invisible and you cannot touch and has to rely so much on faith. God is truly amazing and he can use many sources to get his message to people. You might have accepted Jesus because too many other sources seem to beg you to look into Jesus. Then accepting Jesus you straight way reject all other sources that led you to him (many Christians came to Jesus because Jesus came to them without the aid of other Christians until they could accept Jesus through a sinner’s prayer).

Irony of Fatima is huge amounts of its massage is so false it would almost be proper to classify it is 100% from satan. I say false because it defies scriptures so often. Problem is what are children going to do when zapped with a vision and one the repeats and adds more at scheduled times. Many people in many religions people get zapped with visions. We know how to induce visions by taking drugs for pleasure or medical. Harder is trying to discern what is real and what is manufactured as a process of natural courses.

I personally look at any prediction, vision, prophecy (prophecy after book of Acts, meaning after chapter 29 Christianity goes on until our day) occultic, or any other source as barometers, gleaning info from, or even potentially a way God will step in to deliver a message to those that can discern. I 100% defer to the Bible on any foretelling method and if not able to confirm, the message cannot be said to be God, but that it might be or it might not be and so should not be said as I got this from God. Once convinced it is from God you can indeed say it is from God up to when you are shown it was not from God, and then you have to re-evaluate the message.

Fatima had 3 phases, which many say has happened and is going to happen. What is completely left out are world historical facts. As I said earlier, satan has been busy for 6,000 years. He has not skipped a beat. Any message that leaves out Bible facts and real life goals of real life people which remain undeterred since the FLOOD presence a false massage of confusion and aids in preparing people’s heart to accept antichrist as Jesus (God). Fatima has no mention of 5,000-year history of the goal to re-establish the Day’s of Noah. Documented history that has been scrutinized many times correcting misconceptions and false teachings of History showing that something was going on that was specifically directed at consistently planning and re-working the process to achieve the goals set 5000 years ago has to be calculated in any vision any one has or a wrong interpretation has to result. If Freemason really are hard at work making a one world government a reality then visions that seem to say we can change things with our behaviors or prayers is actually rejecting God’s word by saying antichrist’s kingdom can be stopped because we turn into good little Christians from our disobeying ways. The results of trying to turn into good Christians is to make laws to obey forcing non-believers and believers to do what you think it right. The only LAW that being obeyed that will save you is Moses’ law. Problem there is no human can obey it and you have to obey every word of it.

Fatima can be fun to hear about, but we need to keep in mind God’s plan is his, he did not give us the power to change the 7000 year plan We can change lot of thing, but not peace or war. We can affect many things in peace and war, to say by our prayer of behavior we can make world peace or world war is not a feature of being a Christian.

Fatima’s message says things about Russia that does not fit what the Bible says. Fatima says Russia scaled back due to Pope’s prayers. REAL life demonstrates the scaling back of Russia opened the door for the Middle East to take center stage right on schedule not skipping a heartbeat. Fatima takes eyes off world events by making people focus on a location and so being blind to the whole picture of events that make antichrist take power at the appointed time. The Middle East could not come to power if the cold war remained status quo or that we went to nuclear war. The Bible says the Middle East with Russia come to attack Israel. That cannot happen unless the Middle East via the rapid rise to power Islam. Pike said there needs to be 3 world wars, this was before WW1. Pike (a 33rd degree Mason) helped plan the 3 world wars giving the terms of each war which ww1 and ww2 met. The 3rd world war was to be fought over religion base i.e. Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. The current climate of war is exactly that base. This has the planned purpose of controlling the 3 religions the major barrier to antichrist rule. Fatima ignores Pike 100% and acts like there is no plan by any world Elite to create a one-world government. Fatima says Christians can force unbelievers to behave so this will make God make peace in the world as though no Elite even exist or has a say.

The Bible says the Elite are here to create a world dictator that will say he is god. Historic and current documented event confirm behind the scenes a one-world government designed to kill billions and the Bible say in this coming short 7 year period billions will be killed. Peace will not happen until God’s 7,000-year plan is ready to start the 1000-year reign of Jesus on Earth physically as King of Earth.

Main point of this message to you is, glean without rejecting Bible confirmation and real life facts. Jesus is truth so lies just don’t hack it. It is not going to get better, watching and being a part of the billions being killed is not a sign of getting better. Surviving or enduring to the end and getting raptured and finishing that 7-year period will bring in peace on Earth for 1000 years.

You can affect your corner of the world (meaning what you can do [maybe able to affect a big part or a small p art of the world, most it will be a small part]) but, not whether the world will have peace or not. The world can be a bit peaceful, but we live continually on a razor’s edge of great suffering. It is our personal relationship with Jesus that can add peacefulness to our souls as we endure, but seeing such death all around cannot be comforting but will create fear in you. Quoting a verse about God is not the author of fear is not going to stop your fear, also it is extreme fear that will humble you before God in your daily because of sins that you ignore or blame and point fingers at others. The Bible also says fear will be much part of your life as the false doctrines and conditionings and much more that has made the state of the Church in disobedience to God these 2000 years. 1260 days of the TRIB is for Christian shaking as God literally Washes you in the Blood of Jesus. More on that in another topic.


Monday, November 2, 2009


Reply to your email:

From: pastor ravipaul []
Sent: Monday, November 02, 2009 6:26 AM

Greetings to you in pracious name of our lord and saviour jesus christ.

gays4jesus: hello back


gays4jesus: yes, I did get your first email do you have a webpage?


gays4jesus: God likes his children to be very specific in prayers for things they want. A plane ticket is something very specific so you will need to find out how much a round trip airfare from Seattle, Wa USA to your city. Specifics are economy class enough in advance so it will not cost UNITED PASTORS FELLOWSHIP INDIA very much. Also, lodging should be added to your prayers. I believe when someone wants to invite someone, they will make the necessary arrangements. These things are specific and God won’t magically tell you. If you are serious about me coming to minister then you should figure out how much it will cost UNITED PASTORS FELLOWSHIP INDIA or THE NEW BRIDE CHURCH. Then you can ask God for that specific amount. When God answers your prayer, meaning you find the money needed to bring me to you, then we can make arrangements for me to go. Hopefully in the mean time we can do what you wrote below.


gays4jesus: To me when you say “independently” that means you do not answer to a headquarters or district office so that you can make all the decisions for your church. I will pray for sure. “Encouragement in the ministry” means correspondence. If you email, chat, or comment on my sites I can encourage you in the Lord. Happy to talk about anything you want in the Lord “spiritual guidance” also must be done in correspondence. “Greetings to you in pracious name of our lord and saviour jesus christ.” Is your first line in this email. This is good as explaining who you are and what you do, but it does not tell me what you want. Spiritual guidance and encouragement is more than simple greeting phrases and nice Bible quotes. Encouragements is when you are “down” depressed, losing hope, or just staying the same level in Jesus and not moving up to the next step. Encouragements is more than a word it is getting specific to the needs of your troubles or perceptions of directions for your faith to reach its fullness in the Lord. This means if you want my help you got to correspond with what’s on your mind and what you see as your vision. I can’t help unless I know things about you. Guessing and wishing is not in my job description. Spiritual guidance can mean many things. Spirit comes in a number of forms. Your spirit, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, angels, devils (in all the variety they come in and names that relate back to them), and unexplained as it were as there are many mysteries we have few answers to. How the spirit(s) work and why. How to worship and praise in the spirit. How to operate in the spirit and spiritual gifts. So spiritual guidance is complex and so correspondence being specific in needed and I am happy to talk about these things with you. Again I am happy to talk about any subject you are wanting to talk about, God has given me plenty to say about most things.


gays4jesus: I am replying. I am happy to come, but you are the one inviting. I can be there instantly on the internet. I am on YouTube and can minister to you through 8-minute messages. I have a weekly TV program seem live streaming every Sunday Pacific Standard time at 7AM on press the watch now button. My chat name on yahoo is gays4jesus I would be happy to minister to anyone one to one in live chat. is my blog and I would answer questions and comments made on my blog. The “going to your church in person” of course means, THE NEW BRIDE CHURCH or THE UNITED PASTORS FELLOWSHIP will make arrangements and pay the travel/lodging and other itinerary expenses. I don’t like being so blunt but my policy is no money out of my pocket ( note: I would come alone so your out of pocket expense would be for one person not a team. If you like singing and such you will need to provide that). I would need to talk with you to discuss details. My ministry mission is to get Christian ready and maybe your ordinary service structure may not be followed when I am speaking. I am pretty flexible, but I am also going to stand firm on what I believe God wants me to do.

What I believe will happen is God will move. People will be Saved and Healed. People will be baptized in the Holy Spirit. Demons will flee and much more. A message from God will be spoken concerning these Last Days and what it means to say you are a Christian and much more.



gays4jesus: And also thank you. I just hope my firmness won’t offend you, I do want to make sure misunderstanding doesn’t turn you away or that your church can’t pay for me to come to you, but at least that you will hold to your desire “ WE WANT YOUR PRAYER SUPPORT AND ENCOURAGEMENTS IN THE MINISTRY AND SPIRITUAL GUIDENCE” would not stop you from corresponding with me to receive ENCOURAGEMENTS IN THE MINISTRY AND SPIRITUAL GUIDENCE.

Gays For Jesus