Gays For Jesus Expands 4:33 to comment at my YouTube click picture above.
Added: 3 hours ago 01//3/11
From: gays4jesus
Views: 94

Rusticxaine ‘s comment to my above video | Send Message to this person.
Connot be Gay and Christian? Not sure i have read this in the bible.. However i do believe that Jesus (god manifested in the flesh) Died So the ALL maybe saved. And whom ever should except Jesus as their savior shall be saved. None on earth not ever Jesus while on earth judge one person. not gay not whore . NOT ANYONE. For one person to judge another is tryin to take the place of God. Do you really think you want to try and do that? Repent and ask God to Humble you.
Well this person is not even sure it’s in the Bible. Here is what is in the Bible: John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. And 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Does Rusticxaine believe all gays thinks Jesus was not manifested in the flesh? Or that all gays don’t believe John 3:16 or Romans 9:10? This person says don’t judge while saying “Cannot be Gay and Christian” This person seem their only choice of two words is “gay and whore”. There is NO “maybe saved” it is 100% if you believe you WILL be saved. The word REPENT is not a play thing. At Salvation a new born believer did a 180 degree turn in their life. This is extremely visible as the days go by. It can be dramatic or a slow process, but always visible. Years later one person cannot tell another person they are un-repented on a fling with no investigation of their past years with Jesus. I have many online sites. One is a 24/7 non-stop running of my TV programs over the past decades. Beside this YouTube site you responded to I have FaceBook, a webpage, a blog and many other sites. Plenty to see what I have been doping with my life since I accepted Jesus in Jan. 1974. When I accepted Jesus I began attending Assemblies of God. This means there is 3 decades plus now of history of how other Christians and Pastors reacted to me before knowing I was gay and after knowing I was gay. I had nearly 10 years before I became a weekly TV preacher so I have a solid period of how people think of me as someone they see in church every time it meets. I never missed a service for at least 13 years and more. There is a lot to this testimony. Miracles and answered prayers abound in my life and I have been blessed in many ways. I can spend days detailing these things. I am at Jesus’s feet daily bowing before him. You can’t wish because someone is gay they do not have a close relationship with him. You can’t say you have a better one than I. You are not even sure if something is in the Bible or not. Well I am sure gay is not sin I have diligently sort out every way to learn about the Bible and the facts of its history and it language as many other site also show in their research. Gay Christians back up their mouths concerning is it sin or not. There is a wealth of info to support gay is not sin and NO info that it is sin. Homophobes can only generalize and do no more than quote a verse and state see it’s in the Bible. Never do you find homophobes backing up what they believe the Bible says with information in history , language, and any source for that matter. Like your statement “gays cannot be gay and Christian” . Those of you that read this please also comment to Rusticxaine as well and my site. | |
1 comment:
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