Tuesday, September 28, 2010

How will God use gay in the end times


Hi John,


Donald Foster

Donald says, "Hi, my name is Donald I am a Facebook friends affirming apostle; affirming Pentecostal I would like to make you a friend. I am gay but I do have problem with gay marriage thing which I am for / civil union but I can't find the Bible that doesn’t talk for or really against it. I know gays aren't sodomite male temple prostitute. How will God use gay in the end times prophecies. thank a bunches.”




This link shows you how to think about finding gays in the Bible http://www.gaychristian101.com/Gay-Centurion.html. Greek and Hebrew often thinks of marriage as the main spouse owns the other spouse. Even when you read the word married in the Bible the Husband owns the wife as though she is property and a slave. Marriage is pretty much a business proposition in Bible days. Knowing this tracking gay marriages is easier. http://www.gaychristian101.com/Eunuchs-Are-Gay.html covers a pretty good explanation of how to find gays in the Bible and ancient days, but http://www.well.com/user/aquarius/thesis.htm goes into greater detail. http://www.gaychristian101.com/David-and-Jonathan.html goes into the possible gay relationship. Other books and scholars say the words of Saul can only be he knew David and Jonathon were having sex. Bible phrases like “uncovering nakedness” is describing sex acts: 30 Then Saul's anger was kindled against Jonathan, and he said unto him, Thou son of the perverse rebellious woman, do not I know that thou hast chosen the son of Jesse to thine own confusion, and unto the confusion of thy mother's nakedness?

Usually gays being gay can read material and see it talks about gays, while str8 has to think in str8 terms so need to explain it into a meaning that doesn’t hint to being gay. As a gay person reading David’s love story with Jonathan we can relate that this is a love story between two guys. Furthermore reading all David’s sex life we find he really never had a good marriage or really love with women. David had hundreds of wives and concubines. His first marriage was marrying two women who husbands were killed in war helping David fight. This was “YOUR DUTY” law. We see David committed murder sending a woman’s husband to the front lines. You just can’t read in the Bible David really satisfied in a opposite sex relationship. He DID promise Jonathan his faithful love and did keep that promise.

Ruth and Naomi have been shown to be in a lesbian relationship.

Luke 17:34 I tell you, in that night there shall be two men in one bed; the one shall be taken, and the other shall be left. (KJV)

In those days one of the most impossible to find is str8 men in the same bed. It was just not done for any reason. Wish as one might try to do to get 2 str8 men in bed together in that 1st century it just not going to happen. So they would have to be gay. Now if they are gay then one has to be SAVED because open was Raptured. The other was not SAVED so remained. NOW we know many Christians marry unbelievers today and so no matter our prayers or wishes at the Rapture their unbelieving spouse will be in bed with the believing spouse and one will be taken the other remain. (our prayers for our spouses and families may get them SAVED later as the trib continues after we are gone, but they can only stay in the flesh body for another 1000 years before they get a spirit body).

Short version how God will use gays:

1948 one psychologist had gay friends perfectly adapted in life and not sick. They had good jobs and life. Her work was with colleague’s was with gay they were trying to fix as in gay was a disease and mental hospitalization was needed. Finally she realized that did not match the gays she saw and were her friends. She went with the to the gay bars too so saw many gays. She began a study on healthy gays that led in 1974 that gays were declared not a disease then later declared perfectly normal people to where today we have a 60/40 pro/con rate. A boost was in 1967 God moved on Catholic gays, 1968 Protestant gays, and in 1969 secular gays. Secular gays (which included lots of Christian gays too) started the gay rights movement. Christian gays did their homework and produced intensive studies on the Bible wrote tons off books, gone into great detail about Jesus’ and Moses’ day concerning real gays and what the Bible says and the meaning of those Bible words and settings. As you see on any talk show with pro/con on gays the pro-gay side seems to be displaying God’s love while the con-gay (supposed Christian) side seem to offer hopelessness and a non-ending discourse on the evil gays. Those against gays claimed they are Christians and those pro-gay they said were not Christian. Like as in Jesus was a red neck red state Republican thing and Blue states weren’t Christian.

Objectively we see gays always trying to educate with facts and unconditionally accepting all peoples with open arms. This naturally aspect of all gays (sure some bad apples, but those aren’t really easy to find) is to love unconditionally everyone even their persecutors (the homophobes). The gay rights movements that may march on homophobic groups never is intended to destroy anyone, just to confront them saying we are people. Gay rights movements follow the pattern of any rights movement, though many other movements often had some violence caused by the movement, that is rare if not even found in gay rights movements.

Most gays are not so aware of this built in nature they have as reconcilers. All the ground work really is done, gay rights is close at hand hey 60/40 not 40/60 is pretty good. Christian gays have their Christian churches. Gay Christian internet site abound. We are about ready for the next phase from God. But intensely bad times for all Christians needs to get underway where huge numbers begins to turn their backs on Jesus (The Great Falling Away). I go into detail on this on my sites and TV programs. "Gays For Jesus" TV 24/7 http://www.livestream.com/gays4jesus .

All gays by their GOD given nature and Gay Christians having that GOD given nature plus PERSONALLY God’s love through the many gay Christian outreaches and Bible research showing gay is not sin will be ready, I think is ready TODAY should something happen, to go to fallen Christians and help them back to Jesus. This will shock the especially homophobic fallen. They WHY? We so persecuted you and you with open arms tell us Jesus has not left us and wants us back. Gays will mostly all of them will forgive their persecutors openly and lovingly.

Many fallen will return to Christ via the gay witness.

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