Wednesday, November 25, 2009

West Seattle Pentecostal gays weekly prayer and worship service


Phone: 206-338-4297 (GAYS)
Location: In West Seattle
(probably Westwood area)
Day: Probably Mondays evenings


If you are gay and Pentecostal (or would like to be Pentecostal) and generally believe in my Statement of Faith and expect miracles to happen contact me and lets start a West Seattle gay Pentecostal praise and worship group.

My beliefs beyond my Statement of Faith in that we would cover would be on the soon return of Jesus and about those conditions we will be soon living in as the world prepares to enter into the Last Days. I also believe Christians do not get a free ticket to Heaven and miss the tribulation period. I believe the Bible goes into lots of details about Christians needing a shaking to cover the prayers of the innocent ones  persecuted by the Church for the past 2000 years. This will take 1260 days in the TRIB before the Rapture can happen. Of course the 14 verses (some say 16) that are used to condemn gays will be covered as those question arise. Beside usual topics.

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